logo color tips

What should be your logo color? 5 easy logo color tips to help you decide

When it comes to creating a logo, one of the most important decisions you'll make is choosing the right colors. The colors you choose can communicate a lot about your brand, so it's important to take the time to select the perfect shade or palette.

How Does Logo Color Affect Your Brand Identity?

Your logo's color can have a big impact on how your brand is perceived. Different colors can evoke different emotions, and those emotions can be associated with your brand. For example, blue is often seen as a calming color, while red is seen as a more exciting, energetic color. Think about the types of emotions you want your brand to evoke, and choose colors that will help communicate those emotions.

You should also consider the different meanings of colors in different cultures. For example, white is often seen as a symbol of purity in Western cultures but as a symbol of death in many Eastern cultures. If you're targeting a global audience, you'll need to be aware of these cultural differences, especially around red logos.

Here are five factors to consider when choosing a color for your logo:

1. The Meaning of Colors

Different colors can evoke different emotions and associations. For example, red is often associated with energy and excitement, while blue is often associated with calm and trust. Think about the feelings and message you want your brand to communicate, and choose colors that will support that.

2. Your Target Audience

Your target audience should also be considered when choosing colors for your signature logo. Different colors can appeal to different demographics. For example, brighter colors may appeal to younger audiences, while more muted colors may appeal to older audiences. Consider who you want to reach with your brand, and choose colors that will resonate with them.

3. The Colors of Your Competition

It's also important to consider the colors of your competition when choosing colors for your logo. You want your brand to stand out from the crowd, so you'll want to avoid using colors that are associated with your competitors. Take a look at the logos of your competitors and see what colors they're using. Then, choose colors that will help your brand stand out.

4. The Colors of Your Industry

There may also be colors that are associated with your industry. For example, green is often associated with environmentalism or health, while brown may be associated with earthiness or rusticness. If there are colors that are associated with your industry, you may want to

5. The Printing Costs

Depending on the colors you choose, your printing costs may vary. Some colors require special inks or printing techniques, which can drive up the cost. If you're on a tight budget, you'll want to choose a color scheme that won't break the bank.


There are many factors to consider when choosing a color for your logo. The color of your logo can say a lot about your brand and can be a very important part of your branding strategy. Consider your target audience, the colors that are associated with your industry, and the overall look and feel of your brand when choosing a color for your logo.

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